Saturday, April 7, 2012

White Raisin Bread

1 pkg Robin Hood Bread and Roll Mix (Walmart or Safeway carry it, cheaper at Walmart)
1/2 tbsp sugar
4 cups of raisins
1/4 cup sugar
5 cups warm water
2 eggs, beaten
4.5 - 5 cups of flour

In large bowl (I use a plastic basin, one that is also good for soaking your feet - not that I would) pour 5 cups of warm water and dissolve 1/2 tbsp sugar in it. Sprinkle yeast from both yeast packets in Bread Mix and let stand for 5 minutes. Stir in eggs, sugar and raisin and dump in all the B&R Mix. Add 41/2 to 5 cups of flour (start with about half of that, and add the rest as needed - or should I say as kneaded. Knead for about 8 minutes to make a nice soft silky dough - it should be a little bit sticky but not so much it sticks to your hands when it's done, just keep sprinkling flour on it as you go. Grease bowl and dough with butter, cover with a clean tea towel then wrap a nice big towel around to keep out the draft, and let rise for a couple of hours. Actually, just follow the directions on the pack from now on.
By adding the extra water and flour, you should get 6 loaves. (There's only 5 in the pic because my men and I ate one for dinner - and I only had one slice.)

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